Notation and Definitions #
This page is a glossary for notation and concepts present in the documentation.
Sets, Groups, and Special Functions #
- $\mathbb{Z}$ is the set of integers, $\{\ldots, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, \ldots\}$.
- $\naturals$ is the set of integers greater than or equal to 0, $\{0, 1, 2, \ldots\}$.
- $\range{b}$ is the finite set of integers $\{0, \ldots, b-1\}$.
- $\gcd(n, m)$ is the nonnegative greatest common divisor of integers $n$ and $m$; when $\gcd(n, m) = 1$, $n$ and $m$ are said to be coprime.
- $\z{n}$ are the integers modulo $n$, a set associated with the equivalence classes of integers $\{0, 1, \ldots, n-1\}$.
- $\zns{n}$ is the multiplicative group of integers modulo $n$: an element $e$ from $\z{n}$ is in $\zns{n}$ iff $\gcd(e, n) = 1$, that is $\zns{n} = \{e \in \z{n}: \gcd(e, n) = 1\}$. When $n$ is prime, then $\zns{n} = \{1, \ldots, n-1\}$.
- $\field{p}$ is the finite field of order $p$; when $p$ is a prime number, these are the integers modulo $p$, $\z{p}$; when $p$ is a prime power $q^k$, these are Galois fields.
- $\varphi(n)$ is Euler’s totient function; for $n\geq 1$, it is the number of integers in $\{1,\ldots, n\}$ coprime with $n.$
- $|S|$ is the order of a set $S$, i.e., its number of elements. For example, $|\zns{n}| = \varphi(n)$, and for a prime $n$, $|\zns{n}| = n-1$.
Vectors #
- $\vec{a} \in \z{q}^n$ is a vector $(a_1,\dots,a_n)$ with $a_i \in \z{q}$ for all $i$.
- $c \cdot \vec{a}$ denotes the scalar product $(c \cdot a_1,\dots,c \cdot a_n)$.
- $\ip{\vec{a}}{\vec{b}}$ denotes the inner product $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i \cdot b_i$.
Number-theory #
- $J(w, n)\in \{-1, 0, 1\}$ is the Jacobi symbol of $w$ modulo $n$, only defined for positive and odd $n$.
- $J_n$ is the set of elements of $\zns{n}$ with Jacobi symbol $1$.
- $QR_n$ is the set of quadratic residues modulo $n$, which are elements that have a square-root, i.e., $QR_n = \{e \in \z{n} : \exists r . r^2 = e \mod n\}$.
Sampling #
In protocol specifications, we will often need to uniformly sample elements from sets. We will use the following notation:
- $\sampleGeneric{x}{X}$, where $x$ is uniformly sampled from the set $X$.
Consider reading the section on Random Sampling to learn how to correctly sample a number uniformly using rejection sampling, avoiding the modulo-bias issue.
Assertions #
We will use assertions in protocol descriptions. When the assertions do not hold, the protocol must abort to avoid leaking secret information.
- $a \equalQ b$, requires $a=b$, and aborts otherwise
- $a \gQ b$, requires $a>b$, and aborts otherwise
- $a \inQ S$, requires that $a$ is in the set $S$, and aborts otherwise.
Implementations of number-theoretic algorithms #
In general, we highly recommend the Handbook of Applied Cryptography, which has detailed descriptions of most algorithms.
Hash Functions #
- $\hash{\cdot}$ is a cryptographically secure domain-separated hash function.
- $\hashbit{\cdot}{k}$ is a cryptographically secure domain-separated hash function with specific output-size of $k$-bits.
Find more details on the particular hash functions in Nothing-up-my-sleeve constructions
References #
- [HOC] Handbook of Applied Cryptography (2018).