Random sampling #
In most protocols, it is necessary to sample uniformly from groups like $\zq$ or $\zqs$. Here we will describe how to sample in these specific groups, and a general procedure to sample via rejection sampling.
When available it is advisable to use a cryptographic random number library to securely sample uniformly from a range. For example, to sample uniformly from $\zq$ (or equivalently $\range{q}$) in Python, use the secrets library.
Sampling from $\zq$ #
Sampling uniformly from $\zq$ is equivalent to sampling uniformly from the set of representatives, i.e. the range $\range{q}$. We present two secure methods for doing so: wide modular reduction gives samples from an almost-uniform distribution with a (deterministic) logarithmic number of random bits, while rejection sampling gives samples from a truly uniform distribution using a logarithmic number of bits with high probability.
Almost-uniform sampling in $\zq$ using modular reduction #
Suppose we only have a cryptographically-secure random bit generator and we would like to sample uniformly from the range $[q]$. As an example we will use the secp256k1 curve order $$ q = 2^{256} - 432420386565659656852420866394968145599 $$
Never do this:
1 2 3
def wrong_sampling(): q = 2**256 - 432420386565659656852420866394968145599 return randbits(256) % q
function introduces non-negligible modulo-bias in the generation of elements, and some elements will be detectably more likely to appear than others. If the random number is used as an ECDSA nonce, this may be enough to fully compromise the key.
Instead, sample at least 512 bits:
In general, if the overall security level of your system is $\lambda$ bits (e.g., 128), then to safely sample from the range $[q]$ where $2^{n-1} < q < 2^{n}$, it is necessary to reduce $n + \lambda$ cryptographically random bits mod $q$.
Modulo Bias #
A common approach to sampling from a range $[q]$ is to generate a random bit string $b \in \{0,1\}^n$, interpret it as a natural number in the range $[2^n - 1]$, then return $x = b\mod q$. However, this process introduces modulo bias. As a simple example where $q = 3, n = 2$, let $b$ be uniformly drawn from $\{0,1\}^2 \cong [4]$ and let $x = b \mod 3$. Then $$ \begin{align*} &\Pr[x = 0] = \Pr[b = 0 \vee b = 3] = 1/2\\ &\Pr[x = 1] = \Pr[b = 1] = 1/4\\ &\Pr[x = 2] = \Pr[b = 2] = 1/4\\ &\end{align*} $$
Intuitively, the bias arises because some elements of $\zq$ are double-counted. In order to minimize the modulo bias, we can increase the number of random bits drawn. For $q = 3$ and $n = 8$, $$\Pr[x = 0] = \frac{86}{256} = \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{384}$$
For $n = 256$ $$\Pr[x = 0] = \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{3\cdot 2^{255}}$$ No real-world adversary can distinguish the distribution generated in the $n = 256$ case from the uniform distribution on $\mathbb{Z}_3$.
In general, if $q$ is an $n$-bit integer, i.e. $2^{n-1} \leq q < 2^n$ and $X$ is a random variable drawn uniformly from $[2^{n + \lambda}]$ where $\lambda \in \mathbb{N}$ is some security parameter, then for any $a \in \range{q}$
$$ \left|\Pr[X \equiv a \mod q] - \frac{1}{q}\right| \leq \frac{1}{2^{\lambda}} $$
In practice, if $q$ is $n$ bits then typically $\lambda \leq n$, so it suffices to sample $2n$ bits and reduce mod $q$. For example, the ed25519 nonce generation proceeds by reducing the output of HMAC-SHA512 modulo the 255-bit order of the curve.
Statistical Distance #
The statistical distance, also known as the “total variation distance” of the distribution of a random variable $X$ from that of another random variable $Y$ both with support $[q]$ is defined as $$ \Delta(X,Y) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{a = 0}^q |\Pr[X = a] - \Pr[Y = a]| $$
The statistical distance gives an upper bound on the success probability of any adversary at distinguishing two distributions. For any function $A: [q] \rightarrow \{0,1\}$:
$$ |\Pr[A(X) = 1] - \Pr[A(Y) = 1]| \leq \Delta(X, Y) $$ and in fact if $X_1, \dots X_n$ are identically and independent distributed and similarly for $Y_1, \dots, Y_n$ then
$$ |\Pr[A(X_1, \dots, X_n) = 1] - \Pr[A(Y_1, \dots, Y_n) = 1]| \leq n \cdot \Delta(X_1, Y_1) $$
Letting $U$ be the uniform distribution over $[q]$, define $S(X) = \Delta(X, U)$. It follows that if $S(X) \leq 2^{-\lambda}$ then no adversary can distinguish $X$ from the uniform distribution with probability more than $1/2$ using fewer than $2^{\lambda - 1}$ samples.
Statistical distance of wide modular reduction #
Let $X_{n}$ denote random variable resulting from sampling uniformly in $[2^n]$ and reducing modulo $q$. Let $U$ be a random variable uniformly distributed over $q$. We can compute the statistical distance of $X_n$ from $U_{q}$ explicitly: Let $2^n = k\cdot q + r$ for $0 \leq r < q$. Then for all $a < r$
$$ \Pr[X = a] = \frac{k + 1}{2^n} = \frac{\frac{2^n - r}{q} + 1}{2^n} = \frac{2^n - r + q}{2^n q} = \frac{1}{q} + \frac{q - r}{2^n q} $$
and so $$ |\Pr[X = a] - 1/q| = \frac{q - r}{2^n q} $$ while a similar computation for $a \geq r$ gives $$ |\Pr[X = a] - 1/q| = \left|\frac{k}{2^n} - \frac{1}{q}\right| = \frac{r}{2^n q} $$
and thus in total $$ S(X) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{a = 0}^{r-1} \frac{q - r}{2^n q} + \sum_{a = r}^{q-1} \frac{r}{2^n q} = \frac{r}{2} \cdot \frac{q - r}{2^n q} + \frac{q - r}{2} \cdot\frac{r}{2^n q} = \frac{r(q - r)}{2^n q} $$
This formula tells us some interesting things about modulo bias:
- When $q$ is a power of 2 less than $2^n$ then $r = 0$, so there is no modulo bias
- In the worst case, when $r = q/2$, $S(X) = q/2^{n+2}$. If we choose “just enough” bits, such that $2^{n-1} < q < 2^n$, then $S(X) \geq 1 / 8$. This is a very substantial advantage, enough to clearly distinguish from uniform after only a few trials.
- If we $\lambda$ is a security parameter and $q$ is an $n$-bit number then by selecting $n + \lambda$ bits we get a statistical distance of at most $\frac{1}{2^{\lambda + 2}}$.
Rejection sampling #
Suppose we know how to sample from a set $S$ and would like to sample from an arbitrary subset $T\subseteq S$. To do this, we need to check membership in $T$ and perform rejection sampling. In a loop:
- sample element $e \in S$.
- if $e \in T$, return $e$, otherwise repeat step 1.
On average this requires looping $|S|/|T|$ times. If $|S| \leq 2|T|$, the probability that we will need to sample more than $k$ elements from $S$ is at most $2^{-k}$. Thus as long as $|S|$ is not too much bigger than $|T|$, the rejection sampling algorithm almost always terminates in only a few iterations.
Uniform sampling in $\zqs$ #
Elements of $\zqs$ are natural numbers $e$ such that $e \in [q]$ and $\gcd(e, q) = 1$. To sample these elements uniformly we need to perform rejection sampling. In a loop,
- Sample element $e \in [q]$.
- If $\gcd(e, q) = 1$ return $e$, otherwise repeat step 1.
Note: Since $\gcd(0, q)$ is never 1, we could also sample $e$ from the set $\rangeone{q}$.